The event was organized to mark the inauguration of the Aryan News Channel, a unit of the Pataliputra Group of Companies, at the Sanskrit Vidyapeeth premises in Raja Bazaar. Anil Kumar Singh's Aryan Channel of Starzshowz LLC was overwhelmed with the rocking response the launch got. Kaizaad Kermani also of Starzshowz LLC ensured a great show. Sporting blue jeans and a blue shirt along with the traditional Sikh turban, Deol, the son of yesteryear's superstar Dharmendra, mixed freely with the audience while impressing them with dialogues from his past films. Sunny Deol looked cool in a jeans and a shirt while Dolly Bindra wore a green stole with a kurta and looked cute. They both bonded really well.
Aryan is the local news channel launched in Bihar and Jharkhand. The channel aims at providing an exciting blend of news, views and entertainment. It will offer the right blend of Hindi and Bhojpuri compelling content to the locals. Amidst the 20,000 people who were frenzied in delight as they set sight on the Bollywood and Bhojpuri superstars, Sunny Deol rocked in Patna.
A delighted Sunny, said, “I am glad being in Patna and I ma delighted to see the efforts Dolly and ail have put into organizing this wonderful and enigmatic event. This has given me the opportunity to once again connect with my fans. And the response here has been tremendous. I hope the Aryan channel will show the truth.”
Anil Kumar Singh, owner of the channel, said, “Aryan Channel will do what no one has ever done before in Bihar and Jharkhand --- a big bang in everything it attempts. It was a pleasure getting Aryan channel launched in the presence of superstar Sunny Deol, who is adored by fans in this part of India! We wish him all the very best for his forthcoming film ‘Amla Pagla Deewana’ as well. We hope the channel and the movie reaches the hearts of all Indians.”
Bhojpuri superstar Manoj Tiwari, also owner of the channel, said, “Sunny Deol, the star of Gadar, is so popular that fans went berserk and the cops have to do lathi charge! We are happy that Aryan TV has begun with a big bang in true Bollywood style. I’m sure the channel is going to go miles and endear itself to fans.”